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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Who's in love? the world smells funny and i smell love. love love love. why love? haiz. i dunno. freaky gal~ Exams are in 2 days time and wth. stinky socks! its 6 o'clock~ aaaaaaaaaaa. maybe i will come online to continue blogging and blog surfing later tonight. i have to do assignments on lead.com. YAY~Love ya~

To Megan: Good luck with your life~ it might rock soon. i'll help you fight for it~ yay. michael jackson has vanished. woops!

Gotta go~! see ya soon.

Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 2:35 AM

Monday, April 28, 2008
Hello people! my life sucks. how is you're life?

To ruth: well, i told you already. maybe you just don't get it. i didn't say anything. i just made a promise to him. its not concerning you. he's not even after you, but you continue flirting with him. he does not notice you... its useless. you're just flirtatous and you don't stand your ground. you keep thinking its about you. Man, you're such a loser. we're not concerned about you dear. not you. everyone around you that is. i hate to see your papaya face but we really did not do anything. we just told the truth. you're lucky we don't drag your parents in it. actually, we never did think about it. we just want you know the truth about yourself. hey, you say you know yourself well. why not admit it? does your poor sister know about it? when it comes to relationships, i have to admit that u suck. i have a loser for a blackmailer. OBVIOUS. no point blackmailing me. i got nothing on you. you also have megan to answer to all the vulgarities.

*erms* its really shitty. exam is in.. like... 1 WEEK!! oh gosh, how? haven't even start revision~~~@@@@@ aaaa. At last, we don't need to attend CCA already. CCA is stopped until the end of PSLE. Isn't that great? wow. what rocs the most is the amount of homework. its like 11 each day~~ and it comes in masses. like what the hell. okayy. i gotta go although i'm done with homework. i need to go and revise.. bye~!

Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 4:15 AM

its just heartbreaking and it hurts.
come back to me.
i welcome you with open hands.
come back.
i need you.

Little Miss Heartbroken,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 12:52 AM

Life sucks being me. it totally does. some people just can't get bitchiness out of their lives. and i'm talking about you. yes, you. the silly one. wanna talk about me? talk about yourself first. are you perfect? no. do you have the experience? no. so why should i listen? i've got no idea. it sucks being misunderstood. i just wanna be stubborn all my life and block out every nook and crannie of you, bitch. it looks like you cannot get any better. why? it looks like you have to answer it. i'm not in your life in any way. i just want to be out of it. keep me out of it and i'm happy.
Its such a heartbreak. i've got no comment on your bitchiness. you've just dragged it along with you. its not my burden to bear. bear it yourself as you brought it with you. its better that way. i live my own life the way i want to live it, and you live your own. i have no authority to judge you anyway. so you too, have no authority to make me do your wish. hey girl, it goes both ways. please do not torture me anymore. you are not my guardian. i have grown up and outgrown it all. please, i'm begging it from you. please give me my life back. its mine. i rule it the way i want it. i have planned it out. not all maybe, but please do not spoil my plans. they can be good for you too. although i hate you loads, it will never overcome the love i always had had for you. i treated you the way i loved you, please return it to me.
I always loved you. i want you and i need you. i know you need me too. we went through thick and thin together. please do not leave me now. i love you so love me back. i still have lots to tell you. i cherish every moment i have spent with you. i really cherish it. i trusted you with all my heartfelt comments, and every single time anything happened to me, you would always be there next to me, encouraging me and pulling me along the way. when i fall behind due to my slackiness, you pull me and give me a smack on my butt to wake me up. i learn after that. hey i love you too. i did to you what you did to me.
How i wish those days never went away. its you i want to be with now. no one else. don't leave me please. keep this with you.
Heartbroken Me.
* i really want you. don't leave me now.

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 12:19 AM

Sunday, April 27, 2008

i seriously like this random pic. its cool.

OKOK. random random.. i'm just not in the mood now. i saw it and went goo goo. her photoshop skills roc man. mine seriously sucks, even when we have the stupid photoshop workshop. its most of the time like this: we folo the phil guy correctly. then meita clicks something and BAMMMM! its gone. she asks me to shout for help. great. the phil guy comes. then he's like erm. okayy. then done. later i do something then meita spoils it then shout for help. the phil guy comes and says you guys are really irritating, like pests. LIKE WHAT A THING TO SAY MAN!! HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE TRAINER AND CALLING US IRRITATING. WE'RE ONLY LEARNING RIGHT? ok.. so back to the topic.
To the freaking asshole: How i seriously hate you. what did i do? nothing. how bad can you just get? just because i did that once does not mean its me again. i may like to do play pranks but i was in no mood to do it. get a life dumbell~ it was not even me. ask the right person puh-lease, before you jump to conclusions. get your facts right please, because you are always the blur-toad in class. you're applying it in your life girl. i say it again, GET A LIFE DUDE, YOU NEED ONE. its totally different now. its essential. hey, its my life. i'm not waiting for you to catch up. i'm really shocked.
[P.S. sorry for using such vulgar words but it was needed.]
Happy birthday grandma~ and happy anniversary daddy, mummy~ i love you guys! roc on:]
Daddy, please get me tickets to the click five concert please..! i really wanna go daddy! i'll comprimise, just tell me the terms~ i'm willing to do anything for it... please daddy!
Okayy. today was totally *erms* wadeva in school. we had this 'investigation' thing during chinese class. the head of chinese department sat at the back of the class and she watched our teacher teach. it was quite okay. we did well so our teacher gave us a kit kat bar. sweet~ then later.. after chinese was music. *every monday is a tradition for pranking* so we did something. cos since i always do it, this dumbell came after me. like what the hell!! i seriously wanna punch her. #if you see this post girl, read the top.# ok, the reason i'm blogging now is because my parents went out for their wedding aniversary and my daddy left his comp out so i'm on it. nice. now i wanna go, end of this post. i'll come back later.
Little Miss Chatterbox,
*sorry girl, i really hate you. sorry but i'm not in the mood to hear your explanation.

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 11:06 PM

Hello guys!! there are lots of stuff i wanna say, but i have hardly any time. so long no post, i miss the virtual world. i wanted the greeeen widget on my sidebar, but there were some inconvienieces so i had to post it as a post. geddit? that sucks. then there's a song in there that i wanna hear- florida low, its just not playing. so i also dunno about that. sorry i never did reply to your tags, i really had no time. school is piling us with revision papers and tons of it, exams are starting officially on friday, with higher chinese. my life is currently super screwed up, i still got lots of revision to do. it will be a miracle if i ever post lots of stuff on this post...

okayy. so i wanna die soon, my mummy wants me to get really good marks for sa1 so i can get in to direct school admission (DSA).. yea, to raffles. she says it'll be really good and all. but i don't think they really understand what we're going through, do they? its just tough. they're too old-fashioned. and yea. i actually am quite happy too cos i'm going to my cousin's place for some celebration.. my grandma's bdae and my parent's anniversary is on monday, 28/4. (P.S. Happy anniversary and bdae ppl!! :)) i can get to see my cute cousin.

And then there's some stupid upcoming gb event so its like we have to plan.. (cos we're in charge of it.) IT ALL TAKES TIME. adults don't get it. they just want you to do it. and do it. no excuses, no resting. MUST DO IT! how i hate life. ok gotta go. see ya soon~

Little miss chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 12:58 AM

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hello ppl, my name is:
S unny
O utspoken
P ositive
H appy
I mmortal
E xceptional

Ha! that is my name! i wanted to upload some pics but i need some time. so i'll blog more later. i gotta do my homework now. buh-byess~!!!

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 10:44 PM

OMG PPL~ i am soooooooooooooooooooooo happy :] At long last, daddy and mummy bought a new house phone'~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like OMG, at last i can chat the crap out of me. chat with the whole world, chat till i drop. okayy, they went to orchardand got like beauty products for me mum and me and sis, my daddy got himself a new PSP and some electronic game, his favourite. (he was up all night playing with that freaky retarded thing that keeping making whizzing sounds) then my mummy bought this new shiny purple luggage bag, it was damn cool kayy?! then they bought the phone.!!! it was sooo long-awaited, i was ssoooo damn shitty happy!!!

then we bought some new clothes for ourselves, like sets, i got 4 sets. they were soooooo cool. like this really cute top and a small pants/ shorts (wadeva u call it) , another set is this really nice dress and a pants, and etc etc.. OMG the 3rd happiest day in my life. now i'm going to tagg another person's blog so bye for now~

Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 2:27 AM

Sunday, April 20, 2008
nice clock. i love it. its in a shape of a heart anyways.

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 5:25 AM

Get a Clock for your page!

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 5:25 AM

Take this test to see how much you know about me!
Lets see how well you fare.
Good luck!
Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 2:59 AM

Friday, April 18, 2008
great! i'm back again!!
lets take the blog pledge.

" We, the avid blog readers of the internet,
Pledge ourselves as one united eye,
Regardless of blog,
Language or vulgarity,
To build a democratic blog society,
Based on feelings and thoughts,
So as to make stupid comments,
Crappy posts,
And progress for the bloggers!"

okay. thats all for now, gotta go eat lunch. byee!

Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 11:01 PM

hey, i'm little miss chatterbox and i'm back to the virtual world of bloggers and their crap. 1 thing to note, my blog is dangerous for people with dicky hearts and those who are wimps.. please don't make your way here. cockroaches may explode at your face.

Now, time for an eye test. can u see this: u are too close!? ok, then you're quite close! move your face away!! great. now, lets sing some songs. " lalalala, lalalala, elmo's world, lalalala, lalalala, elmo's world, elmo loves his goldfish, his crayons too, thats elmo's world!" ok. end of song time. Now lets crack some jokes. " if farmer A sells ducks, farmer B sells chicken, then what does farmer C sell? the answer is phar-macy!! gedditt?! okay.

Great. now have a good sleep and bye! i gtg too. i'll blog later. byee peepss.!

Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 7:26 AM

Put The Big Red Button on your site Lawls. click this, go and play. super fun and lame too. oke. i gtg now, i'll update soon. byezz!

Little miss chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 7:16 AM

Thursday, April 17, 2008
I think trebuchet and arial. i can't seem to see which is nicer. i can't find tahoma too. :)

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 7:00 AM

Officially to announce that SOPHIE'S name has been changed to little miss chatterbox. And officially announce that little miss chatterbox has changed her font to arial. LAWL.

Little Miss Chatterbox, me.

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 6:57 AM

ok, thats megan and mariam, M and Ms! :)

Megan and me! ok. we're calm and cool. :) rock on bay-beh!

Okayy. thats that. ever heard of " friends are just like bras? they support you when ur feeling peaky"? just that we're not bras right now. just friends, sisters. Cheese, smile for the camera. hey baybes, good luck this year man, psle year! we all must get 260++. and hang out together.

Little miss chatterbox, me!

p.s. one whole post dedicated to you.

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 6:46 AM

hey peeps! thanks for all the bloglinks that u gave me so i can linky winky! there's this totally cool thing i wanna put here but i totally do not know how to. GO TO : http://www.toysforyourblog.com/games/bigred/ and check it out kayy? it rocs, but its totally lame. Man, today was quite fun, yet irritating. Gracey tried sooo hard to get the cockroach out from under my table, i passed it to joey's group, and wala! Chelsea opened it, and on hearing the "clocklocklocklock" sound, they screamed@!!!! waaaaahahahaha!~~~ Chelsea's face was as red as a tomato la. all because of little miss chatterbox, me~~! weeee i roc. ok, i don't, yes i do, no i don't, yes i do, no i don't!! well haiz, i do and i don't. okayy. NICE. GREAT> *this really special person* like did something soo special (FOR ME) ok, then it got me something sooo cute! OMg. its sooo cute, i'm actually hugging it now. wow. i can't wait for Sunday to come. then monday. tuesday.wednesday. thursday. friday. saturday. WAKAKAKAKALA~ hypnotised?

Little miss chatterbox, me~ xoxo

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 4:35 AM

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

wa. she's emo.

totally stupid.

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 11:59 PM

Hey people [: i'm helping this lazy bum here to update her blogg, didn't really ask her permission. shh. anyway i'm MEGAN :D and i'm practically the one maintaining this blog. *coughs* anyway tomorrow got SYF. and my school is competing with soph's school ! wahaha . this is gonna get competetive alrights. :3 and soph is practically cursing our school's choir right now. and soph's gonna be shit when her dad realises she's on the comp. wahaha. anyway bye peeps ! and soph, putting colours on your post is like ... BLEAH . just don't put any colour oke ? love ya babe. tc.

P.S: remember to bring snacks to church this sunday oke ?

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 11:20 PM

man.. this is really torcherous..*i dunno how spell* megan, i really need ur help now, blog wiz. cookies suck, nuggets roc~

I finally thought up of a lame blog pledge:

We, the avid blog readers of the internet,
Pledge ourselves as one united eye,
Regardless of blog,
Language or vulgarity,
To build a democratic blog,
Based on feelings and thoughts,
So as to make stupid comments,
Crappy posts,
And progress for the bloggers!

Oh My Gosh~ lame rite? but it rocs too. i felt sooo bored so decided to write this thing. have fun pledging yourselves. *CROSS OUR HEARTS*

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 5:13 AM

today is suchh a good day..! i'm so very happy..! i love my today life..! Am i crazy..?! no..:) okayy.. MEGAN I SO TOTALLY LOVE YOU! THANKS SOO MUCH( sisterly love)!!!! okayy. its raining and there is lightening but i feel so good eating a mag-a-cone chocolate ice cream! it rocs, sara lee pound cake too, and there's LAYS STAX,.. gtg now!

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 2:14 AM

Monday, April 14, 2008
i just found out that the blog timing is a little crooked.. i posted the "urgh, life sucks" at 11 pm, and it said 6.35 am? okayy.

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 6:46 AM

OMG! this totally sucks, maybe now i sooo totally agree wif 'early morning sneezing' Madeline.. Life sucks. Sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks, urgh, it just SUCKS! Like what did i do to ask for this? Nothing. Well, we, the 6 purity rockers, just had stupid english and chinese oral todaee and it sucked so badly. :( Did we practise? yes. Did we listen when Mrs Khoo was telling us about english oral? yes. Then why couldn't we score..? the english picture depicts a clinic, with hardly anybody there. a mother supporting her son who just vomitted, a lady sitting on a bench covering her nose, a startled nurse at the reception counter, 3 boys playing catching.. WHAT DO YOU SAY ABOUT THAT SCARCE PICTURE??? i'm betting $10000000000000000000 that i might not do well.. like, of course?! Chinese was,.. so much better ( i think because i prayed b4 it, i forgot to pray b4 the english thing? oh no.) the picture was filled, so very very crowded, it depicts a beach with many people there.. i did not know how to say kayak tho i knew how to say bbq pit. The oral tests were the pits>!!!

P6 life really really sucks, i dunnoe how ppl survived.. and go on to sec 1.. u know that our principal said that if you don't study u can get at least 180..( which is totally bad..) and if u add more oil u can get 250.. OKAYY. now mummy's chasing me to go to bed.. i finish now, MEGAN, help me please with the page.. they said something about computer cookies and all that crap.

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 6:33 AM

Sunday, April 13, 2008
hello guys! testing :)

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 2:47 AM

my name is sophie. you could also call me the amateur perfectionist.
i'm 12, and my special day is on 2611 [:
do buy my presents ! [:
and oh, i love my friends especially my besties !

Oh, some of the obviously infinite list. Chocolates [hersheys!]
Nintendo Wii/DS
Favourite Black hoodie [its damn cute!]
Songs in my widget [obviously, or why is it there?]
Talking on the phone
Talking crap
Fooling around
Playing pranks on some people
Arguing about decisions made by politicians

I want crap on my cbox.
I want to go out with my besties.
I want new clothes~!
I want to last long :D
I want a perfect blog and a perfect life.
I want four A* for PSLE.
I want a distinction for higher chinese.
I want to get at least 270++ for PSLE.
I want the full set of little miss tees.
I want a new handphone.
I want the IXUS camera~!
I want Avril Lavigne's CD THE BEST DAMN THING!
I want the POWERMIX(songs) CD!
I want a really cute teddy bear!
I want a new pair of glasses.
I want a whole set of nancy drew.
I want to slim down. (i'm so fat)
In short, I want everything. [:


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icons: coquettish
inspiration: detonatedlove♥
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