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Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Hais. Holidays are finally here, but its all work and no play. but it doesn't make sophie a dull boy, i'm sorry, girl. but i've no regrets being a boy though. :] haiz, do teachers have hearts? do they have brains? gosh, they just love piling homework up like its nobody's business! look at this.

Homework for June Hols 2008
- Newspaper Article on the Sichuan Earthquake
- Memorise all the good words and phrases for composition
- Thumbs up #20 pg 5,6,7,12
- CME project on the festivals in singapore, research
- PSLE Chinese pg 13,22,23,33
- Chinese Revision paper 2
- Timetable for June
- Chinese Workbook pg 66-74
- PSLE Math pg 1-27, 34-66 (179 questions)
- PSLE Science pg 3-95
- 2 sets of Science Revision MCQ
- Thumbs up #19 pg 3,5,12
- Picture Composition
- English LEAD assignments (?)
- Making sentences (Chinese)
- Challenging problems C15-C28

Oh wow, i love homework yeah!=.= what the hell is the teacher's freaking problem man! i mean, let them think, we have hardly then full holidays to do it. but anyways, i finished it all except the 2 sets of Science Revision MCQ and the Newspaper Article. And making the timetable. ha! its already into the holidays and i haven't made a timetable. i mean, i love the feeling of accomplishing something thats only due like 3 weeks later. So, holidays' a bore. i suddenly find myself longing to go back to school. but when its the school term, i find myself longing to stay at home and sleep. i mean, what's the sense?!

I've got lots to learn though. but what really makes my day is being able to punch my sister. i do that everyday to make sure she's still punch-able. hehes!! YIKES. i'll post another time soon. i'm really bored.

Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 10:57 PM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
i hate this! i am a killer slacker man! how can i get so freakin' low?! i mean, look at the overview.

Overview of my marks:
English: 78/100
Math: 81/100
Chinese: 85/100
Higher Chinese: 78/100
Science: 85/100

TOTAL: 329/400
PSLE COUNT: 247+2/300
= 249/300

How bad is that man! i don't even dare to show my dad and mum the report book.. i did soo badly, so its time to pull up my stinky socks and get the work done. Gonna have to study real hard for PRELIMS and PSLE. i can't afford to do badly then. i find it really shameful to get 329. A handful of people got between 340-352, which is the highest in class. Grats Seow Hwee! Argh, i have to beat them during PSLE and PRELIMS. i really have to. And for those who didn't do well enough, still have room for improvement lar. so lets all work hard.. :] and slack and play like shyt after PSLE!! ^^ :]

Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 12:24 AM

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Who's the angel and who's the demon? i think its *MING*. she's soo freakin toot lar she. I mean.. even *XING* is like 100 billion times better.

To Angeline: hello? everyone knows who the _____ is. If you wanna hide people's name, please hide it better(ly). I mean, everyone knows its someone in the world, someone in singapore, someone studying in pl, someone in 6 purity. Just write her name man.. so cowardly. got the *dan zi* to put a blank, then since you are so pissed, just write her name.

Haiz, i really want to make mushroom soup as i love it and my stomach is growling. so please excuse me for now.

Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 12:33 AM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Yay! got all my marks at last!

Total overview of all my marks:

English: 78/100
Math: 81/100
Chinese: 79.5/90
Science: 85/100

Omg. for the first time in my whole life among all i got highest for Science. And gosh~! i got lowest for english!! my english is always the best and now,...

I want a hole to appear on the ground and swallow me up. INJECTION is on friday and i'm screaming now. i just wanna squeeze the stress ball. i have a permanant phobia of injections and i cannot take it. ouch, i can just feel the pain now.

Lots of love,
Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 12:56 AM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Quiz Angeline requested Jamie who requested me to do , lol :p :]
1. At what age do you wish to marry?
Ermss.. i think 23? its my ideal age. :]
2. What do you want to do most right now?
I feel like making a stuffed dummy and punching it. :]
3. What do you want to be in your next life?
I don't believe in next lifes, so no comment. :]
4. Something to describe yourself.
Exceptionally wacko-ish. :]
5. If you can have one more dream to come true, what would it be?
To get 4 A*'s in PSLE and prelims and distinction for higher chinese. :]
6. What are you most afraid to lose the most?
Best friends and best friends. :]
7. Do you believe in ETERNAL LOVE?
Actually no. most guys are freaks so whats the point?:]
8. If you meet someone in love, would you confess to him?
It depends who he is and what he would do to me if i actually say it. :]
9. How would you spend 200 bucks?
I would buy all the clothes i wants from esprit and zara and river island and etc. :]
10. What are the requirements that you yearn from the other half?
Loving, caring. espeacially able to make me laugh. :]
11. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Idoits, backstabbers, lamers, think-they-know-it-alls, f***ers, etc. :]
12. So do you cherish every of your friendship?
Of course, i don't want to lose any bond. :]
13. Do you believe in God?
Yes, he is my Saviour, i'm proud to say. :]
14. What do you think is the most important in your life?
Relationships (as in with people and family..) :]
15. Do you find it a need to have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
No. Its lame going goo-goo over a guy/girl.. :]
16. What do you want your friends to be like?
Fun, able to play along with jokes and not da fa pi qi. :]
17. What are the things that you would think of?
Smarties and Pepsi as i lovee them! :]
18. What is your favourite hobby?
Fooling around and talking crap. :]
19. If you were feeling low one day, who would go to?
Ooh, nice question. I love bottling up my feelings but i will go to megan. :]
20. What are you eating while doing this?
Pepsi, Smarties, Famous Amos, etc. :]
Done! i really mean it and thanks for wasting my time! :]
Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 1:13 AM

Monday, May 12, 2008
Aaa.. Exams are just over and i'm fretting over results already! i mean, i really did super duper wuper fuper muper badly. i never ever got such marks! after the science exam, the other papers were marked and ready to be given to us. like wth?! get a life.

Overview of my suckish marks:
English- 75/95 (paper 2), Listening-19/20
Math- 81/100
Chinese- 79.5/90 (paper 2), Listening-17/20 <2>
Science- not ready yet
Higher Chinese- 49/60

How could i get so low for english? i never ever got less than 80/95 lar! synthesis got 4/10, which i failed.

I feel so bad.. i never want to live on the face of the earth again.

Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 11:45 PM

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Yay. i finally completed the challenge. i quit maple officially. woots. everyone was soo sad. i said we'll meet soon enough. but i'm not missing you guys!
" i'm not missing, i'm not missing you...."

I'm like soo goody-too-shoe, i'm actually mugging! daylight mugging. broad daylight. thats soo unnatural. sheesh. i've spoilt my wacko-ish reputation. gosh. that's for science. english and math were equally difficult and i mean easy. cos its like simple so its equally difficult right?! ahahs. chinese was too simple. anyways, all the exams were easy, not what i expected it to be. i expected it to be so tough that i'd bawl my eyeballs out.

okayy, so now i'm going to download some pics so stay tuned.

Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 12:55 AM

Friday, May 2, 2008
hello hello~ OMG i'm so happy man~! my so favourite teacher Ms Hairuneesa came back from medical leave- she got low blood count so need to go to the tinty wimpy hospital. okayy.*chilling* ya so the ever big nose YAM YEE WAH made a card thing for all of us to sign and write a message. LOL. 6 gentleness copied us dude. so, ya. thenshe was like OMG thanks~ kind of thing. she's suchhhh a nice teacher lor. so much better than the all time hated ms christina chua. WOW. But then the bad news was that Ms Chaim was not teaching our class anymore because Ms Goh came back so its like waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ i really like Ms Neesa and Ms Chaim. they're so fun and loving! they make lessons nice. and i can speak out during their lessons. cool~
So sad rite?! like wth. but i still like Ms Neesa so much more than Ms Chaim. i sooo hate Ms Chua. she loves picking on me and scolding me. she scolded me for making the "yes!" sign when she told us that she is going to competition and won't be able to come for class. Such a petty person. then she scold me and scold me and scold until the earth almost stopped. she's soo fat and short and i was looking down on her, not listening to what she was saying, staring at her BIG (and i mean big. gargantuan.) pimple. HA! she was like:" You respect your friends soo much, u bother to help them get their rubix cube back, but when i say i'll be going for competition and not be able to have science, you sooo happy. what is this?" like wth. they're my friends not my teacher so all the same you're not my friend either:].
Okayy. Another piece of good news. the Macdonald champion kid thing, the results came out!!! The now-famous Grace Ng from the all-loving 6 Purity got into the top 10! so to let her go to BeiJing for the olympic games, we must vote for her. SHE NEEDS YOUR VOTES~~^^ sms: MCK F4 YOUR NAME and send it to 77877. please vote! each sms costs 20 cents and each person is only allowed to vote once, and each handphone is only allowed one vote. Grace's photo is in the newspaper, home page 7 on 1 may. she also came on tv on 1 may on channel 8, saying the sports speech. it started like this:" the all-responsible me deserves to go to the olympics. the olympics is a world event, this year it is hosted in china. it brings together countries, and ties bonds between fellow country-goers...." i can't remember the rest. SO VOTE FOR HER PEOPLE~
Okay so i post this first as Miss YAM YEE WAH wants to read it. i might post later. Goodbye!
Little Miss Chatterbox,

dress me up in glamour,baby/ 1:11 AM

my name is sophie. you could also call me the amateur perfectionist.
i'm 12, and my special day is on 2611 [:
do buy my presents ! [:
and oh, i love my friends especially my besties !

Oh, some of the obviously infinite list. Chocolates [hersheys!]
Nintendo Wii/DS
Favourite Black hoodie [its damn cute!]
Songs in my widget [obviously, or why is it there?]
Talking on the phone
Talking crap
Fooling around
Playing pranks on some people
Arguing about decisions made by politicians

I want crap on my cbox.
I want to go out with my besties.
I want new clothes~!
I want to last long :D
I want a perfect blog and a perfect life.
I want four A* for PSLE.
I want a distinction for higher chinese.
I want to get at least 270++ for PSLE.
I want the full set of little miss tees.
I want a new handphone.
I want the IXUS camera~!
I want Avril Lavigne's CD THE BEST DAMN THING!
I want the POWERMIX(songs) CD!
I want a really cute teddy bear!
I want a new pair of glasses.
I want a whole set of nancy drew.
I want to slim down. (i'm so fat)
In short, I want everything. [:


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designer : elissa
icons: coquettish
inspiration: detonatedlove♥
basecodes: sweet-melancholy
brushes : moargh; deviantart

April 2008
May 2008
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October 2008
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